Home News & Events Newsletter
Newsletter – 14th May 2024

If you have any information to share in the Newsletter please send it through to Anna, the newsletter will be published every fortnight. You can read all our news here, but don’t forget we regularly put out information by our social media channels including Facebook. We also now have a presence on LinkedIn.

News from Members and Associates

  • Dr Michael Finch has a new book out – Making Makers: the Past, the Present, and the Study of War. You can find more information here.
  • The Deakin Library research news blog is back up and running – you can find it here. There is also an article on the blog about Finding trans histories.

Seminar Series

You should have invitations for the remaining Trimester 1 seminars. You can find details for all the seminars on the CCH website.

We are now booking in presenters for seminars in Trimester 2. If you have an idea or some research you’d like to share, or you would like to make a recommendation for a presenter we should approach, please get in touch with Anna.

APH News

The Medicare 40 Year Health Check event is now on Youtube and the APH website!

On the APH website you will also find a review of Abortion Care is Health Care, by Jacqui Baker.

The Australian Policy and History Network is currently seeking EOIs for book reviewers. APH invites reviewers from all career stages and welcomes EOIs from HDRs who may be new to book review writing and the editorial process.  EOIs, which contain a brief summary of interests or a specific book to be reviewed, can be emailed to APH’s books editor Lyndon Megarrity: drlyndon@bigpond.net.au



Making Public Histories: Energy Transitions: Historicising Australia’s Nuclear Debate
30th May, 5pm (webinar)
Australia is in the midst of an energy transition, but specific policies and decisions around the shift to more renewable forms of energy production, storage and use have become the subject of heated debate. Historians have an important role to play in this debate, shedding light on the historical factors that shape ideas and attitudes in the present. How have Australians thought about nuclear energy, and the extractive processes that underpin it, over the last seventy years? What cultural attitudes have developed around coal and coal mining in Australia, and how do they shape attitudes and policy today? And how have we transitioned between energy regimes in the past? In this seminar, three leading scholars consider how Australia’s past shapes debates about the nation’s contested energy transition today. Booking and more information can be found on the History Council of Victoria website.

Wilson History Oration – Out of the Straight-jacket: The art of anti-colonial history
13th June 2024, 6pm – 7pm (online)
The Professional Historians Australia invites you to the Wilson History Oration, to be given by Dr Rachel Buchanan. From swamp to chateau to the House of Lords, as Dr Rachel Buchanan researched the wild, globetrotting journey of five magnificent 17th century carvings made by ancestors in Taranaki, she also received an education in the art of anti-colonial history. Through wānanga and discussions with the Hon. Mahara Okeroa and other mentors, Rachel learned how to escape the straightjacket of historical facts and write a story that is closer to the truth of ongoing tino rangatiratanga – or sovereignty – for Taranaki. More details can be found here.

  • Discovering the Relevance: Understand why statistics are helpful in your social research pursuits.
  • Core Concepts: Gain familiarity with key statistical ideas, from sampling to data collection.
  • ABS Data and Excel: Learn to access and summarise ABS data effectively using Excel.
  • Visualising and Interpreting Data: Acquire skills to read and present data using tables, graphs and charts.
  • Real-world Impact: Explore how statistics contribute to addressing societal issues and shaping policies.

No prior statistical knowledge is required, but participants are encouraged to bring their own data to work with. Participants who attended the previous session in December may want to join for the after-lunch applied session.

The workshop will be held at Deakin Downtown and via  Zoom. Please email mia.martinhobbs@deakin.edu.au if you would like to attend, indicating whether you intend to attend in-person (along with any dietary requirements) or via Zoom, by 27 May.

CCH Research Grants

You can still apply for CCH Research Grants in 2024. We have changed the grant guidelines, so it is important that you read the new guidelines before you apply for a grant. Check out the guidelines and the application forms in our hub site.

CCH Shut Up and Write

every Monday, 9am-1.30pm, via Zoom.

Start the week strong with a Shut Up and Write! We will run 4 x 50 minute blocks of writing/focus, with breaks in between to chat, grab coffees, etc. All CCH colleagues welcome, especially ECRs, HDRs, and those who work remotely. Feel free to join at any time – it doesn’t matter if you can’t make it to every session, or every block in a session, just come when you can.

The zoom link is here. (Meeting ID: 822 0730 8335, Password: 65182364)
If you would like a recurring invite in your calendar, or you have any trouble joining, email Mia at mia.martinhobbs@deakin.edu.au


2025 National Library Scholarships and Asia Study Grants

Applications are now open for the 2025 Scholarships offered by the National Library of Australia. There are several new Scholarships on offer this year thanks to new generous donors, including a Scholarship in Asian Studies, a new First Nations Scholarship, and a new Scholarship for research on any subject.  There is also the Carol Moya Mills Scholarship for a scholar from regional or rural Australia.  There are a total of nine funded NLA Scholarships and five Asia Study Grants to distribute for 2025.

You can find out more information about the Scholarships here. Applications will close on 24th June.

CCH Hub Site

We now have a Sharepoint site (for Deakin staff and students only). This is where you can find CCH templates and logos, and importantly – new grant application forms. CCH members should have access, but you will need to use your Deakin login.

Cover Photo

Avenue of Honour, Macedon